How to Know If Hail Damaged Your Roof?

cliffhiltonBlog Post

How to Know If Hail Damaged Your Roof?

If you’ve seen or heard anything about a hail storm in your area, then it’s a great idea to consider the fact that your roof or other exterior surfaces may have been damaged.

We often are asked, “How do I know if hail damaged my roof?”. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Many homeowners make the critical mistake of taking a look around the exterior of their home to see if they spot any obvious damage. Once they are satisfied that do not see any obvious damage, they move on and forget about it. This is a major, major mistake! Here’s why.

There are two major obstacles for homeowners to detect hail damage on their own roof or home.

Problem #1 is that seeing roof hail damage from the ground is virtually impossible. So that means the only way to determine if your roof was damaged by hail, is to actually get on the roof. We strongly recommend that you do not do this! Walking on a roof is dangerous and should only be done by trained professionals.

Problem #2 is that hail damage gets worse over time. In fact, hail damage may be almost undetectable at first. Sort of like a bruised apple, the surface may look ok, but underneath the skin, the damage has already been done.

What should you do? Contact a professional like Rhino-Back who specializes in hail damage restoration services and dealing with your insurance company.

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